14 November 2011

Nameless Headwarmer

It is cold!  Ok, it's not that cold.  But I've been enjoying summer for a full year now and I am not used to this temperature drop.  In honor of the weather I'm going to share my pattern for a really cute slouchy beanie.  I'm making a few of these as Christmas gifts and hopefully they will be a big hit.

Yarn: Bulky, I use Loops & Threads Charisma because it has a such a smooth feel.
Needle: US 11 (8mm) 29" circular and/or dpn

 - Cast on 48 stitches with long tail method (I just like the way it looks better)
 - Add marker and join edges to begin knitting in the round (if you are using only a circular needle you will need to use the magic loop method for the beginning)

 - Rounds 1-8: k1, p1 all the way around

Chunky Spirals:
 - Round 1: k1, yo, p1
 - Round 2: k1, p2
 - Round 3: k1, p2, yo
 - Round 4: k1, p2tog, p1
 - Round 5: k1, yo, p2
 - Round 6: k1, p1, p2tog
 - Repeat rounds 3-6 five times, or until you reach the length you desire.

Begin decrease: (this is where dpns come in handy but again, the magic loop method works fine too)
 - Round 1: k1, p2tog around (back to 48 stitches)
 - Round 2: k3tog, p1 (24 stitches)
 - Round 3: k3tog, p1 (12 stitches)
 - Round 4: k3tog, p1 (6 stitches)
use large needle to thread the end of the yarn through last stitches and weave in ends.

And tada! (the picture is pretty blurry, my phone camera is not the best.  I will try to get a better one tomorrow)
Super cute slouch!
I don't have a name for this pattern yet, please give suggestions!

This is my design, it is simple, but mine.  Please have respect and knit it only for personal use.

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